What You Should Know Before You Start A Weight-loss Plan
Trying to lose weight is a good thing, but there are several factors that can affect your efforts to drop…
Weight-loss Surgery
Weight-loss surgery can be called bariatric surgery. It involves surgically reducing the size of your stomach so your body absorbs…
Vegetarian Diet: How to Get the Nutrients You Need
A look at the types of vegetarian diets and how they can improve your health and lifestyle.
Vegan Diet: How to Get the Nutrients You Need
Vegans do not eat animal products or any foods that have animal sources. When done right, a vegan diet can…
The DASH Diet: Healthy Eating to Control Your Blood Pressure
Healthy eating with the DASH diet can reduce high blood pressure and lower your bad cholesterol.
Prescription Weight-loss Medicines
Prescription weight loss medicines are given to you by your doctor to help you lose weight when diet and exercise…
Paleo Diet
The paleo diet is sometimes nicknamed “the caveman diet,” as it is tied to the diets of our ancestors. It’s based on food sources for humans during the Paleolithic area — or the “Stone Age.” The staples of the paleo diet are lean meats…
Nutrition for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know About Fad Diets
A fad diet is a trendy weight-loss plan that promises dramatic results.
Nutrition for Weight Loss: Is a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Right for Me?
Eating fewer carbs can have several health benefits.
Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet can help you to lose or maintain weight and also helps to manage blood pressure, blood sugar,…
Meal Plans and How They Help
Meal plans are a great resource for eating healthy at any age.
Low-purine Diet
A low-purine diet is an eating plan that limits foods with high purine, a natural substance found in some…
Low-Calorie Diets
Eating fewer calories typically results in weight loss. If you add exercise, you may not need to lower your daily…
Keto Diet
The keto diet, or ketogenic diet, is one that is high in fat intake and low in carbohydrate intake.
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern. You fast during a certain period of time each day. You then eat during…
Ideal Weight and BMI
Body mass index (BMI) is a method for measuring your ideal weight. It is used as a screening tool to…
Helping Your Child Achieve a Healthy Weight
Excessive weight gain or obesity in childhood can lead to serious health problems later in life. A healthy diet and…
Gluten-free Diet
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and grain hybrids. A gluten-free diet means you avoid products that…
Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know
Dietary supplements are any substances you take to improve your health or wellness.
Diet Choices to Prevent Cancer
A healthy diet can lower your risk of certain cancers. It also may help prevent other conditions such as type…