


"���������������������" results
  • Mountain climber using mini portable oxygen cylinder to avoid and treat high-altitude illness

    High-Altitude Illness

    High-altitude illness can occur when you travel to altitudes higher than 8,000 feet. It happens when your body doesn’t get… What is high-altitude illness? High-altitude illness, or sickness, is a condition that can occur when you travel to a high altitude, such as the…

  • Fireworks Safety

    Many people love to shoot off fireworks. But it’s a risky activity. That’s why it’s important to do everything you… Fireworks are one of many Americans’ favorite parts of summer. While it’s safer to leave the show to the pros and attend a public display,…

  • Toasted bread -- an example of what to eat after throwing up

    BRAT Diet: Recovering From an Upset Stomach

    A special diet known as the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) is an effective way to treat an… An upset stomach or diarrhea can leave you feeling miserable. If left untreated, it can lead to exhaustion and dehydration, so it’s important to…

  • Infant Jaundice

    Infant jaundice is common. It can make your baby’s skin, eyes, and mouth turn yellow. While it may look odd,… What is infant jaundice? Infant jaundice is common during the first few days of a baby’s life. It’s caused by high levels of bilirubin…

  • Woman holding eye in pain


    Blepharospasm is a rare condition that causes your eyelid to blink or twitch. You can’t control it. It’s caused by… What is blepharospasm? Blepharospasm is a rare condition that causes your eyelid to blink or twitch. You can’t control it. This is called involuntary…

  • fluffy domestic cat stretches its paw and claws in the air

    Cat-Scratch Disease (Cat-Scratch Fever)

    Cat-scratch disease is an infection you can get after a cat scratches, bites, or licks you. It is caused by… What is cat-scratch disease? Cat-scratch disease is an infection you can get after a cat scratches, bites, or licks you. It is caused by…

  • Barrett’s esophagus is a condition that affects your esophagus. It happens when acid from your stomach goes back up into your esophagus.

    Barrett’s Esophagus

    Barrett’s esophagus is a condition that affects your esophagus. It happens when acid from your stomach goes back up into… What is Barrett’s esophagus? Barrett’s esophagus is a condition that affects your esophagus. That’s the tube that food travels down when you eat. It…

  • young boy using spacer and mask with asthma inhaler


    Asthma is a chronic (long-term) disease of the lungs. It inflames and narrows the airways, making it harder to… What is asthma? Asthma is a chronic (long-term) disease of the lungs. It inflames and narrows the airways, making it harder to breathe. These are tubes…

  • A woman puts drops in her eyes. Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes dry mouth and dry eyes. It can also cause dryness in other places.

    Sjögren’s Syndrome

    Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes dry mouth and dry eyes. It can also cause dryness in other… What is Sjögren’s syndrome? Sjögren’s (pronounced “show-grins”) syndrome is a disease that causes dry mouth and dry eyes. It can also cause dryness in…

  • A photo of female legs isolated on a white background

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    Restless legs syndrome is a condition in which your legs feel very uncomfortable when you’re sitting or lying down. It… What is restless legs syndrome (RLS)? Restless legs syndrome (also called RLS) is a condition in which your legs feel very uncomfortable when you’re…
