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  • Rear view of the back of a thin woman showing ribs and spine

    Healthy Ways to Gain Weight If You’re Underweight

    While many people who are overweight have a hard time losing weight, being underweight can cause health problems, too.

  • Gluten-free Diet

    Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and grain hybrids. A gluten-free diet means you avoid products that…

  • 3D illustration of DNA sequence with genetics data of a human male

    Genetic Testing: What You Should Know

    Genes are found in chromosomes and are made up of DNA. We inherit genes from our parents. Our gene structure…

  • Young woman with black eye

    Domestic Violence

    Domestic violence is abuse by a caregiver, parent, spouse, intimate partner, or another member of your family.

  • hand weights, water bottles and fresh fruit and vegetables

    Diet and Exercise for a Healthy Heart

    Having a healthy heart is vital to your overall health. Two of the simplest yet most important ways to help…

  • Little girl brushing her teeth and smiling

    Dental Hygiene: How to Care for Your Child's Teeth

    Helping your child to develop healthy dental habits now can aid in the prevention of infection, disease, and other teeth…

  • A sweaty woman dressed in workout clothes standing outside in the city holding a bottle of water

    Hydration for Athletes

    Getting the right amount of water before, during, and after exercise helps your body to function properly. A lack of…

  • Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome

    Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is a heart condition where people are born with an extra electrical pathway in their heart. This changes…

  • Woman holding throat in pain. When you have Hashimoto’s disease, your immune system attacks the thyroid gland. When this happens, your thyroid can’t make hormones normally.


    Learn about the types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of thyroiditis, a name for several disorders that cause inflammation of…

  • Substance Use Disorder

    Substance use disorder can happen when products aren’t used in the right way. Prescription medicines, illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol…

  • sore throat, shown red, isolated on white background


    Hyperparathyroidism is a condition that causes you to have too much calcium in your bloodstream and not enough in your…

  • Hip Fractures

    A hip fracture is a break in your thigh bone (femur) where it connects to your pelvic bone. Hip fractures…

  • A man scraping his tongue with a tongue scraper


    Halitosis is another name for bad breath. It can be caused by foods you eat or not taking proper care…

  • Man with painful and swollen big toe joint due to gout inflammation


    Gout is a common type of arthritis marked by swelling and pain in your joints.

  • Illustration of female reproductive system with a close-up on an embryo developing in the fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilized egg grows outside the uterus. It can be dangerous to the mother if not treated early enough.

    Ectopic Pregnancy

    An ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilized egg grows outside the uterus. It can be dangerous to the mother if…

  • Ebola virus disease is caused by infection by the Ebola virus. There are five known strains, four of which affect people.

    Ebola Virus Disease

    Ebola virus disease is caused by infection by the Ebola virus. There are five known strains, four of which affect…

  • A young boy wearing a blue shirt holds leg in pain. Growing pains can make your child’s legs hurt and are common between the ages of 3 and 12. They are typically not serious.

    Growing Pains

    Growing pains can make your child’s legs hurt and are common between the ages of 3 and 12. They are…

  • Woman runner holding shin in pain

    Shin Splints

    Shin splints describe a type of pain in your shinbone (tibia). They are often caused by overuse and heal within…
