


"sleep" results
  • Doctor holds the hand of a depressed female patient.

    Talking to Your Doctor About Your Mental Health

    About 1 in 5 people will experience mental illness in their lifetime. Talking with your doctor about your mental health… life as much as you used to Finding day-to-day life difficult (getting out of bed, going to work, etc.) Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much…

  • hand holding a lubrication spray can

    Inhalant Use

    Inhalant use is a form of substance use disorder that involves breathing in or sniffing household products on purpose to… Appearing drunk or high Slurred speech Your child may complain of symptoms, such as: Headaches Dizziness Nausea and vomiting Poor memory Trouble sleeping Vision problems…

  • boy holding eyes and head while doing homework

    Kids and Homework: How Much Is Too Much?

    Kids are juggling a lot these days. Help your child manage their homework so that it doesn’t cause stress for… a child acts, feels, and thinks. Depending on your child’s age, signs of stress can include: Headaches. Decreased or increased appetite. Sleep problems. Nightmares. New…

  • close-up of female doctor checking blood pressure of male patient

    High Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure (hypertension) is a medical condition that occurs when your blood moves through your arteries at higher pressure… is when a health problem or medicine is causing your high blood pressure. Things that can cause secondary hypertension include: Kidney problems Sleep apnea Thyroid…

  • Teeth grinding is also known as bruxism. About 20% or 30% of children clench their teeth but usually stop as they get older.

    Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

    Teeth grinding is also known as bruxism. About 20% or 30% of children clench their teeth but usually stop as… don't have any issues. They may not even be aware that they are doing it, especially if they do it when sleeping. Sometimes the only…

  • older woman sits on bed with her hand on her hip in pain


    Arthritis is swelling of the joints. It’s painful and can limit your movement. There are many kinds of arthritis. Osteoarthritis… common symptoms of osteoarthritis include: Pain or aching in the joint Stiffness in the joint, especially after not moving, such as after sleeping or sitting…

  • sweaty girl drinking water from a bottle outside


    Dehydration is when your body doesn’t have enough fluids to work properly. It happens when you lose more fluids than… mouth and tongue crying without tears no wet diapers for 3 hours or more high fever sunken eyes being unusually drowsy or sleepy Signs of…

  • A variety of colorful pills and capsules spilling from a medicine bottle

    How to Safely Take Antidepressants

    Antidepressants are medicines prescribed to treat depression. You should work with your doctor to find the right one for… If you have depression, your doctor may prescribe medicine to treat it. This medicine is called an antidepressant. There are many types of antidepressants. Finding the…

  • Insulin resistance means your body is unable to process all the insulin your body is making. It is linked to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

    Insulin Resistance

    Insulin resistance is a condition linked to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance means your body is unable to… What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition linked to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance means your body is unable to respond…

  • driver is upset after a car accident

    Post-Traumatic Stress After a Traffic Accident

    Learn about post-traumatic stress after a car accident and how your doctor can help you deal with it… Millions of traffic accidents occur in the United States every year. If you’ve been in an accident, you might have experienced many different feelings. These could…

  • doctor examining female patient for hypothyroidism while working in his office


    Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid. Your thyroid controls your metabolism, heart rate, muscles, bones, and other organs… What is hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is known as underactive thyroid. It occurs when your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. It means you have low thyroid…

  • Woman holding head, showing stress while many things are being handed to her

    Managing Daily Stress

    Stress can affect all of us in different ways. It is important to learn techniques for managing stress so that… In today’s busy world, we’re pulled in many directions at once. We have responsibilities at home and at work. Sometimes it all just becomes…

  • Avoiding Snakebites

    If you enjoy being outdoors, you should recognize when snakes are active and learn how to best limit your exposure… Steering clear of snakes is your best way to avoid being bitten by a snake. That’s not completely practical if you enjoy being outdoors. The…

  • pregnant woman standing at window, smiling at belly

    Epilepsy and Pregnancy

    Women who have epilepsy are at higher risk for complications during pregnancy, making medical care before, during, and after their… Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder. It causes abnormal brain activity and can lead to seizures, unusual behaviors, and loss of awareness. It…

  • doctor examining the ear of a young smiling girl

    Otitis Media (with Effusion)

    Otitis media with effusion means there is fluid in the middle ear. It is common in young children and usually… Overview What is otitis media with effusion? Otitis media is a generic term that refers to an inflammation of the middle ear. The middle ear is the space…

  • Herbal Health Products and Supplements

    Herbal products and supplements are intended to maintain health or treat health problems. However, they are not regulated by the… Herbal health products and supplements have become a billion-dollar industry. An herb, or botanical, is a plant or part of a plant that people use…

  • baby in a diaper lying on his back crying

    Crying: Under Age 1

    A crying baby is normal. However, it can be upsetting to you and it’s usually a sign something is bothering… All babies cry. Crying is normal behavior in infants. But that doesn’t mean it’s any easier to handle when it happens. The good news is…

  • Baby bonding and playing with mother

    Bonding with Baby

    Bonding is a special connection you have with your baby. Bonding with your baby is not a one-time event. It… Bonding is a special connection you have with your baby. Bonding with your baby is not a one-time event. It is a process that takes…
