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  • A young boy has his throat swabbed by a doctor. Rheumatic fever is a rare inflammatory disease. It’s tied to the bacteria that causes strep throat and scarlet fever.

    Rheumatic Fever

    Rheumatic fever is a rare disease. It usually doesn’t happen in the United States. It’s tied to the bacteria that…

  • human embryo at the end of 5 weeks

    Your Baby's Development: The First Trimester

    From conception to delivery, your baby goes through several stages of development. The first third of your pregnancy is called…

  • close up of a woman holding her abdomen in discomfort

    Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

    Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of female reproductive organs. It can make it hard to get pregnant and cause…

  • fetus concept

    Your Baby's Development: The Third Trimester

    The third trimester is the final part of your pregnancy in which your baby grows and matures. It lasts from…

  • Mountain climber using mini portable oxygen cylinder to avoid and treat high-altitude illness

    High-Altitude Illness

    High-altitude illness can occur when you travel to altitudes higher than 8,000 feet. It happens when your body doesn’t get…

  • Fireworks Safety

    Many people love to shoot off fireworks. But it’s a risky activity. That’s why it’s important to do everything you…

  • Toasted bread -- an example of what to eat after throwing up

    BRAT Diet: Recovering From an Upset Stomach

    A special diet known as the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) is an effective way to treat an…

  • Infant Jaundice

    Infant jaundice is common. It can make your baby’s skin, eyes, and mouth turn yellow. While it may look odd,…

  • Woman holding eye in pain


    Blepharospasm is a rare condition that causes your eyelid to blink or twitch. You can’t control it. It’s caused by…

  • fluffy domestic cat stretches its paw and claws in the air

    Cat-Scratch Disease (Cat-Scratch Fever)

    Cat-scratch disease is an infection you can get after a cat scratches, bites, or licks you. It is caused by…