


"sleep" results
  • Girl with razorblade

    Self Harm — Cutting

    Cutting (sometimes called self harm) is the act of purposely cutting yourself with a sharp object, such as a knife… skin, and usually clustered together in the same area Scarring and bruising Having sharp objects nearby for no apparent reason Wearing long sleeves and pants…

  • Bioterrorism

    Bioterrorism is the use of bacteria, viruses, or germs to purposely harm large quantities of people or communities… Things to consider Certain bioterrorism “weapons” include: Anthrax. Anthrax is an infection caused by bacteria. Anthrax most commonly occurs in cattle and sheep. It is rare in humans…

  • Effects of Early Sun Exposure

    There is a direct link between sun exposure and most skin cancers. The ultraviolet (UV) rays in sunlight are invisible… has to be outside during this time, try to keep them in the shade of a tree or umbrella. Cover up. Long-sleeved shirts and long…

  • Poison ivy is a type of toxic plant that can cause an itchy rash. Poison ivy often grows low to the ground, resembling a weed or shrub.

    Poison Ivy

    Poison ivy is a type of toxic plant. It is common in most parts of the United States. Poison ivy… be.” Other tips to prevent poison ivy include: Wear protective clothing when you work in the lawn or garden. This includes long sleeves and pants,…

  • Worker shows his chapped, injured, and dirty palms

    How to Protect Yourself From Job-related Skin Problems

    An overview of job-related skin conditions, their causes and symptoms, and what can be done to avoid and treat… available. Have an MSDS for every dangerous substance used in your work. Wear protective items, such as gloves, aprons, hats, masks, long-sleeved shirts, and pants. These…

  • accident background

    Burns: Preventing Burns in Your Home

    Fires and other accidents at home can result in burns to you or a family member. Be prepared now and… t let small children play near the stove or help you cook at the stove. Don’t wear clothing with long, loose sleeves when you’re cooking…

  • Miners surveying rocks

    Occupational Exposure to Lead

    Lead is a poisonous metal. In the past, it was used in many products but is regulated now. It can… hands. Don’t eat, drink, or smoke in areas that have lead dust and fumes. Avoid stirring up lead dust with dry sweeping. Wet sweeping or…

  • happy man and nurse looking at pregnant woman laying in a hospital bed

    Pregnancy: What to Expect When You're Past Your Due Date

    A pregnancy usually lasts for 38 to 42 weeks. It is considered overdue if it lasts more than 42… amniotic sac is broken. Use a gloved finger to separate the amniotic sac from the wall of your uterus. This is called “sweeping the membranes” or…

  • Protecting Your Skin From the Sun

    Many people enjoy being outside. It’s fun to go to the park, work in the yard, or exercise outside. While those are all good things, make sure you keep your skin safe from the sun while you’re outside. Path to improved health…

  • a tick sits on a leaf


    Babesiosis is a red blood cell infection caused by a parasite carried by deer ticks. Most infections happen in the… What is babesiosis? Babesiosis is an infection of the red blood cells. It is caused by a single-cell parasite called Babesia. The parasite is carried…

  • Handwashing and COVID-19

    Handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of illnesses including COVID-19. Use soap and water or… Handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. According to the CDC, soap and friction help lift dirt, grease, and…

  • Two young girls standing together on a beach

    LGBTQ Mental Health Issues

    LGBTQ teens and young adults are at a greater risk for poor mental health… The teen years are an important period for mental health. Many mental health disorders appear for the first time during those years. Unfortunately, the suicide rate is high among all…

  • Close-up of a mosquito on human skin. West Nile virus is an infectious disease that can cause flu-like symptoms. It’s usually spread by infected mosquitos.

    West Nile Virus

    West Nile virus is an infectious disease that can cause flu-like symptoms. It’s usually spread by infected mosquitos… What is West Nile virus? West Nile virus is an infectious disease that can cause flu-like symptoms. It’s usually spread by infected mosquitos. It first appeared in the…

  • COVID-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, which was identified in 2019.

    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    COVID-19 is highly contagious and does not yet have an approved vaccine. Symptoms may include a cough, a fever, and… COVID-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus call SARS-CoV-2. Coronaviruses, which infect people and some animals, spread through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing,…

  • What Should I do if I Get a Spider Bite?

    Spiders are found everywhere. But each kind of spider is unique. Some tend to live outdoors. Some are common inside… Spiders are found everywhere. But each kind of spider is unique. Some tend to live outdoors. Some are common inside the house. Either way, you…

  • Two young women doing leg safety stretches before running in park

    Running: Preventing Overuse Injuries

    It’s common for runners to overdo it and become injured. You may run too far or too fast. But it’s… It’s common for runners to overdo it. In fact, up to 70% of runners develop injuries each year. They most often occur because of a…

  • Could Stress Be Causing My Symptoms?

    Dr. David Schechter

    Stress affects everyone. Some stress can be caused by good things in your life, such as an interesting project, a new baby, or an upcoming vacation. Other times, stress is caused by difficult situations, such as losing your job or getting divorced. No matter…

  • monitors in an operating room assist during laparoscopic surgery

    Gallbladder Removal: Laparoscopic Method

    The gallbladder helps your body digest fat. If it gets inflamed, your doctor may want to remove it. Fortunately, we… The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ just under your liver. It stores bile, the digestive fluid the liver makes to digest fat. Sometimes the…
