- Bonding with BabyRead Article >>Infants and Toddlers
Bonding with Baby
Bonding is a special connection you have with your baby. Bonding with your baby is not a one-time event.…
- Childproofing Your HomeRead Article >>Infants and Toddlers
Childproofing Your Home
Accidents in the home are among the top causes of childhood injuries and deaths. There are many steps you…
- Avoiding Food Hassles With KidsRead Article >>Prevention and Wellness
Avoiding Food Hassles With Kids
Tips, tricks and advice on how to deal with a picky eater at home and at school.
A Family Doctor Responds to Study on Aluminum in Vaccines
A new study released in late September shows a possible association between exposure to aluminum found in some childhood vaccinations and the development of persistent asthma in young children. A study like this may cause parents to have questions about routine vaccinations for their…
Adult vaccinations
Adult vaccinations are important for adults for staying healthy as they age.
Amblyopia is sometimes called “lazy eye.” If left untreated, it can affect a child’s vision permanently.
Amblyopia (lazy eye) develops in childhood when one eye doesn’t work properly with the brain. Left untreated, it can lead…
Anemia is the most common blood disorder in the U.S. It affects your red blood cells and hemoglobin. Most people…
Asthma in Kids
Asthma is a disease that often starts in childhood and makes it difficult for your child to breathe.
Autism is a developmental brain disorder affecting social, behavioral, and communication skills.
Avoiding Food Hassles With Kids
Tips, tricks and advice on how to deal with a picky eater at home and at school.
Babies and Thumbs, Fingers, and Pacifiers
Sucking on thumbs, fingers, and pacifiers is common in babies. Each has its pros and cons for parents to…
Baby’s First Steps
Watching a baby take their first steps is exciting, but it also leads to a new set of challenges for…
Being a Single Parent
Being a single parent can be challenging. It can also be very rewarding. It’s important to find a way to…
Bonding with Baby
Bonding is a special connection you have with your baby. Bonding with your baby is not a one-time event. It…
Breastfeeding: Hints to Help You Get Off to a Good Start
Breastfeeding benefits your baby. Breast milk contains nutrients and antibodies your baby needs. Breastfed babies are less likely to develop…
Breastfeeding: How to Pump and Store Your Breast Milk
Pumping and storing breast milk allows you to continue to feed your baby breast milk through a bottle.
Breastfeeding: Returning to Work
Description: You can continue to breastfeed and return to work, with some planning.
Bringing Your Baby Home
Welcoming a baby into your home is a big event. It can be scary if it is your first baby…
Bronchiolitis is a common lung infection in infants and young children. It is usually caused by a virus. RSV is…
Cancer is a collection of many diseases that all involve the growth of abnormal cells. Some common forms are skin…
Caring for a Baby Who Has Down Syndrome
Raising a child with Down syndrome takes a commitment to help them be their best.
Caring for Your Premature Baby
A premature baby is one that is born before the 37th week of pregnancy and can require a lot of…
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is a group of brain disorders that affect body movement and muscle coordination. It can be mild or…