Men's Health


Men's health concerns, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, heart attack, stroke, prevention, wellness & more.

All results in Men
  • Genital Warts

    Genital warts are small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny, cauliflower-like bumps. They’re caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

  • newborn baby wrapped up in a blanket sleeping

    Undescended Testicles

    Testicles are part of the male body. They usually move from inside the body to the scrotum at birth. If…

  • Paraphimosis is a serious condition where the foreskin gets stuck behind the head of the penis and can’t be pulled back into normal position.


    Paraphimosis is a serious condition that happens when the foreskin gets stuck behind the head of the penis and can’t…

  • Doctor treating a senior woman who has possible bone fractures

    Multiple Myeloma

    Multiple myeloma is a kind of cancer in the bone marrow. It is caused when your body makes too many…

  • Labyrinthitis

    Labyrinthitis is a condition that affects a part of the inner ear called the labyrinth. When it is swollen, you…

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

    Learn about sexually transmitted infections and how you can prevent them.

  • Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women

    Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatment of sexual dysfunction disorders.