
"cancer" results
  • Senior man with lower back pain

    Chronic Pain Medicines

    Chronic pain can last from 3 months to many years. Medicines to treat it include pain relievers, antidepressants, and… approval. It is important to follow instructions when taking chronic pain medicines. Some side effects can be harmful and cause other health concerns. They can also…

  • Epilepsy

    Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain that causes seizures… seizure. Epilepsy can also increase your risk of injury or other problems. Talk to your doctor about how to handle any relevant concerns, including: Pregnancy complications: Uncontrolled seizures can affect the unborn baby. Epilepsy medicine…

  • Doctor collecting blood from newborn child in hospital for screening tests

    Newborn Screening Tests

    Newborn screenings are important to find and treat certain health issues that aren’t always visible at birth… screening is recommended for health issues where early detection and treatment have proven health outcomes. Some screening can cause needless worry or concern. Keep in mind that screening…

  • A pregnant woman holds her belly during a contraction while sitting in a car

    Preterm Labor and Birth

    Preterm labor and birth occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy and can lead to problems for the baby… pregnancy. Your baby could have crossed eyes (strabismus). This often goes away on its own. Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned about your baby’s sight. They…

  • Toddler refusing to eat his vegetables

    When Your Toddler Doesn't Want to Eat

    Get creative and clever to help your toddler eat healthy… When it comes to eating habits, toddlers can be hard to predict. Some days they may not eat much. Other days it may seem they’re eating all day long. They may want one food…

  • Your body continues to change in the second trimester of pregnancy. As your baby continues to grow, so does your belly.

    Changes in Your Body During Pregnancy: Second Trimester

    Your body continues to change in the second trimester of pregnancy. As your baby continues to grow, so does your… A woman’s body continues to change in the second trimester of her pregnancy. The second trimester is often defined as weeks 13 through 26…

  • Woman runner holding shin in pain

    Shin Splints

    Shin splints describe a type of pain in your shinbone (tibia). They are often caused by overuse and heal within… What are shin splints? Shin splints describe a type of pain in your shinbone (tibia). The pain is often caused by overuse (running and jumping)…