


"cancer" results
  • A doctor using a otoscope to look inside a young girls ear canal

    Repeated Infections in Children

    Learn why your child may get several infections while he or she is still young… deficiency (a weakness in the immune system). This is the main cause of repeated severe infections. Things to consider Most doctors become concerned if children go from simple viral infections…

  • I Tested Positive for COVID-19. Now What?

    If you have—or suspect that you have—COVID-19, you should follow the CDC’s recommendations for isolation to stop the spread of… doctor immediately if you already tested positive for COVID-19 and your symptoms get worse. If you have difficulty breathing or other concerning symptoms, call 911…

  • Illustration of human brain with puzzle piece missing, depicting memory loss as a symptom of dementia


    Dementia is a group of symptoms often caused by changes in brain structure. It often occurs in older people but… making choices or handling money Not being able to keep track of what happens each day Talk to your doctor about any concerns you have…

  • Newborn baby girl crying and laying on bed in hospital

    Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

    Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) occurs when a baby is exposed to drugs in the womb. After birth, the baby goes… Treatment should reduce withdrawal symptoms. However, your baby can have lasting effects from NAS and other drug or substance abuse. The following concerns require further…

  • Illustration of a human body with close-ups of a normal aorta and one with an abdominal aortic aneurysm

    Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)

    Sometimes an area of a blood vessel wall will get weak. It can start to swell like a balloon and… is small, it might not need to be treated. Your doctor may just monitor it using routine testing. If your doctor is concerned about it,…

  • A close-up of a young woman who has cystic acne covering her jawline. Isotretinoin is a prescription medicine used to treat severe acne. It has certain side effects to consider.

    Isotretinoin for Acne

    Isotretinoin is a medicine used to treat very bad acne and it has certain side effects to consider… bleeding from your rectum Very dry eyes A yellow color in your skin or eyes, and dark yellow urine Are there special concerns for girls and women?…

  • Two-faced woman, one happy and one sad, holding neutral mask in between

    Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme mood swings between happy and sad. People of all ages and… important to get counseling if you have bipolar disorder. This is a big part of treatment. It can help you with stress, concerns, and relationship problems…

  • A women looks for supplies in the aisle of a pharmacy

    Getting the Most from Your OTC Medicine

    Over the counter medicines are available without a prescription, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to be safe when… OTC is short for “over-the-counter.” OTC drugs are medicines you can buy without a prescription from your doctor. You usually can find these medicines at…

  • A happy pregnant woman holds her pregnant belly. The third trimester of pregnancy starts at 28 weeks and signals the last phase before giving birth. Your body may experience physical changes.

    Changes in Your Body During Pregnancy: Third Trimester

    The third semester of your pregnancy starts at 28 weeks and signals the last phase before giving birth… The third trimester is the “home stretch” of your pregnancy. It begins with week 28 of your pregnancy. As your baby grows, your body will feel…

  • Common Skin Conditions During Pregnancy

    It's important to know what skin conditions are common during pregnancy to help identify uncommon conditions that should be seen… Many women experience changes in their skin while they are pregnant. Some conditions are due to changes in hormone levels. Doctors don't know what…

  • Group of girls having fun

    Girls and Puberty

    Puberty is a time of changes—both physical and emotional. Helping your daughter understand what’s happening and what to expect is… Puberty is the period or age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction. For girls, it’s a period of change. Understanding…

  • Flatulence/Gas

    Flatulence is another name for gas. It happens when air stays in your abdomen after you eat. It can be… What is flatulence/gas? Flatulence is another name for gas. You’ve experienced it. In fact, it’s normal for people pass gas several times a day…

  • Osteopenia

    Osteopenia is a condition that begins as you lose bone mass and your bones get weaker… What is osteopenia? Osteopenia is a condition that begins as you lose bone mass and your bones get weaker. This happens when the inside of your bones become brittle…

  • female doctor checking for Hyperthyroidism


    Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, means your thyroid gland makes too much hormone. This can cause weight loss, tremors, and… What is hyperthyroidism? Hyperthyroidism is known as overactive thyroid. It occurs when your thyroid gland makes and releases too much thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland…

  • baby boy smiles as he sucks on a pacifier

    Babies and Thumbs, Fingers, and Pacifiers

    Sucking on thumbs, fingers, and pacifiers is common in babies. Each has its pros and cons for parents to… Babies are known for putting things in their mouths. This includes thumbs, fingers, and pacifiers. But are these things good for them? There’s a lot of…

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions

    Find out the answers to the most commonly asked questions for the new COVID-19 vaccine… What is an mRNA vaccine and how does it work? Most vaccines (or immunizations) work by injecting a weakened form of a disease germ into your body. This is usually done…

  • man plucking the feathers of a bird's corpse

    Avian Flu

    Avian flu is a virus that is spread from bird to bird. In rare cases, certain strains of the virus… What is avian flu? Avian flu (also called Avian influenza A or bird flu) is a virus that is spread from bird to bird. In rare cases, certain…

  • Kids on iPad

    Healthy Screen Time Habits

    Limiting kids’ screen time and building healthy habits for TV, video games, and the internet is essential for lifelong… Children’s entertainment and education changed forever with the introduction of the internet. Computers, laptops, handheld gaming devices, and mobile devices, such as tablets and phones,…
