Diseases and Conditions

Find doctor-approved information about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common diseases and conditions.

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  • Mother holding a thermometer in the foreground with a sick child sleeping in the background

    Febrile Seizures

    Febrile seizures occur in young children with fevers above 102°F (38.9°C). They aren’t as dangerous as they appear and usually…

  • Fecal Incontinence

    Fecal incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements, leading to stool leaking from the rectum. Many times it is…

  • Woman sitting backwards on the ground showing her bony spinal column. The female athlete triad is a disorder that affects energy levels, menstrual cycles and bone mass. It can cause long-term health problems.

    Female Athlete Triad

    The female athlete triad is a disorder that affects energy levels, menstrual cycles and bone mass. It happens when you…

  • close-up of pregnant woman with her hands on her stomach

    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

    Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of problems occurring in a baby when the mother drinks alcohol while pregnant.

  • Fetal Growth Restriction

    Sometimes babies don’t grow at the normal rate before they are born. Taking care of your body and regular visits…

  • Mother holding a thermometer in the foreground with a sick child sleeping in the background

    Fever in Infants and Children

    A baby or infant's first fever can be scary. Learn how to take your child’s temperature, how to bring down…

  • Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that causes muscle pain and general fatigue. It is a condition that is often misunderstood.


    Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that causes muscle pain and general fatigue.

  • A little girl lies in bed with a thermometer in her mouth. Fifth disease is a mild viral infection that causes a bright red rash on the face. Other symptoms include fever, sore throat and headache.

    Fifth Disease

    Fifth disease is a mild viral infection that causes a bright red rash on the face. It also has cold-like…

  • Girl walking over balancing pods during physical therapy for flat feet

    Flat Feet

    Flat feet is a common condition in which one or both feet don’t have normal arches. This condition can happen…

  • Flatulence/Gas

    Flatulence is another name for gas. It happens when air stays in your abdomen after you eat. It can be…

  • allergy food

    Food Allergies

    A food allergy is an abnormal reaction by your immune system to a food. It is usually treated with antihistamines…

  • A man with food poisoning sits on the couch and vomits into a green bucket.

    Food Poisoning

    Food poisoning is a primarily intestinal illness that occurs when you eat or drink something that contains harmful bacteria, viruses,…

  • Food Poisoning | Mushroom Poisoning

    Know the type of mushrooms you are eating to avoid getting sick and even death.

  • Portrait of father and son outdoors.

    Fragile X Syndrome

    What is Fragile X syndrome? Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder. It is most often passed on from a parent to a child at the time the child is conceived. The disorder causes intellectual and developmental disabilities. This means it affects a person…

  • A woman examines her breast. Galactorrhea is when one or both breasts make milk or a milky discharge unrelated to milk production in breastfeeding.


    Galactorrhea is when one or both breasts make milk or a milky discharge unrelated to milk production in breastfeeding.

  • Woman with gallstones holds her stomach in pain


    Gallstones are hard deposits that form inside your gallbladder. They are most often caused when cholesterol becomes solid and can…

  • Gastroparesis

    Gastroparesis is a stomach disorder in which stomach muscles don’t contract properly, leading to problems crushing food before digestion.

  • woman sitting on bench outside covering face with hands, surrounded by trees filled with anxiety

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    A general anxiety disorder is ongoing anxiety that isn’t related to a particular event or situation.

  • Genital Warts

    Genital warts are small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny, cauliflower-like bumps. They’re caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

  • A pregnant woman holding a urine sample

    Gestational Diabetes

    Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy in 1% to 3% of all pregnant women. It usually begins in the second…