
"thyroid" results
  • Packaged OTC medicines

    Antihistamines: Understanding Your OTC Options

    Over the counter antihistamines can be used to treat allergy symptoms. It’s important to know what they do and the… of the following health problems: Glaucoma Trouble urinating (from an enlarged prostate gland) Breathing problems, such as asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis Thyroid disease Heart…

  • Rear view of the back of a thin woman showing ribs and spine

    Healthy Ways to Gain Weight If You’re Underweight

    While many people who are overweight have a hard time losing weight, being underweight can cause health problems, too… store food. If you’ve recently lost a lot of weight without trying, it may be a sign of disease, such as thyroid problems, diabetes, digestive diseases,…

  • doctor writes on clipboard in front of aisle of OTC medicines

    OTC Medicines: Know Your Risks and Reduce Them

    Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can be purchased at the store without a doctor’s prescription, but care should still be taken to… prostate glands Epilepsy Glaucoma Gout Heart disease High blood pressure Immune system problems Kidney problems Liver problems Parkinson’s disease Psychiatric problems Thyroid problems These conditions put some people…