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  • Developing a Care Plan

    Everybody has a health history. It’s important to record this history all in one place. This is done with complete…

  • a senior holding hands with a caregiver

    Information for Caregivers

    If you’re a caregiver to a loved one, it can take a lot out of you, both physically and…

  • A woman suffering from dementia holds hands with a loved one

    Caring for a Relative Who Has Dementia

    Caring for a loved one who has dementia is difficult. Learn how to best care for them while also taking…

  • a female caregiver puts her arm around an elderly woman as they walk outside

    Caregiving: Care for Yourself While Caring for Others

    Caregivers provide care for people with chronic medical conditions. It can be challenging, and they often experience stress and get…

  • A young woman with blond hair holding a red heart

    Caregiver Health and Wellness

    Caregivers are at increased risk for a number of health problems. Learn about these conditions and what you can do…

  • Balancing Work and Caregiving

    Caring for a loved one while working outside the home can be a challenging balancing act. Talk to your employer,…

  • A woman with diabetes pricks her finger to test her insulin level. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn’t make or use the hormone insulin properly. It causes too much blood glucose (sugar) in the blood.

    Type 1 Diabetes

    Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn’t make or use the hormone insulin properly.

  • A 3-D illustration of hepatitis B virus in blood vessel with red blood cells

    Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by a virus. It is usually spread from person to person through…

  • 3d image of red first aid box against white background

    What do I need in my first aid kit?

    A well-prepared first aid kit is an important tool in treating minor injuries that commonly occur at home and when…

  • Female therapist working with young boy on floor

    Asperger's Syndrome

    Asperger’s syndrome is a developmental disorder affecting speech and behavior.

  • View of a man’s spinal column through the back of his shirt

    Spinal Cord Injury

    Common causes of spinal cord injury include falling, sports-related events, car accidents, and diseases such as polio or spina…

  • Hand Massage to help pain in the finger joints.


    Scleroderma is a rare autoimmune disorder. There are 2 types of scleroderma. One type affects the skin. The other type…

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    Advertising opportunities are available for companies that offer patients and healthcare professionals relevant products and services.

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  • An elderly woman and doctor sit at a table and look at a tablet.

    At high risk for COVID-19? Create a plan

    You are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 if you are 50 years and older OR if you have some high-risk conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and asthma. Protect yourself by creating a plan to prepare for unexpected illness…

  • Accessing Your Community’s Social Services

    Sometimes, life’s challenges force us to seek help. Whether it’s illness, joblessness, homelessness, or natural disasters, social service agencies can…

  • From a Family Doctor: Adults Need Vaccines Too

    It’s true that most vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are given to children during routine pediatric visits. But adults need them too because protection from childhood vaccinations may lessen as you age, and you may need additional…