
"Acne" results
  • Kids leaning against lockers

    Helping Your Child Deal with Peer Pressure

    Children of all ages experience peer pressure. As a parent, you can help your child deal with peer pressure and… s phone to see what apps they have downloaded. Require your child to provide their passwords in return for the privilege of accessing TV and…

  • Birthing Classes

    Birthing classes are an important part of preparing to have a baby. They can help you develop a birth plan… massage and relaxation methods as well as medical pain relief (this could be traditional pain medicines or an epidural, which delivers continuous anesthesia through a…

  • side-by-side diagrams of a healthy heart and one with heart failure

    Heart Failure

    Heart failure means your heart isn’t pumping blood as well as it should. It can be caused by different heart… type of medicine and the best dosage of medicine for you. Several kinds of medicines are commonly used to treat heart failure: ACE inhibitors help…

  • Man holding condom in one hand and blue pill in the other

    Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

    Erectile dysfunction is when a man cannot get or keep an erection. It can be caused by a number of… has the same side effects, except for the flushing and possible changes in vision. It can also cause back pain and muscle aches. For each…

  • Young male soccer player with a sports eye injury being checked by a doctor

    Eye Injuries in Sports

    Each year, there are tens of thousands of sports-related eye injuries. Learn about the risks and common injuries, as well… repair your eye. Do not return to sports until the doctor says it is safe. Do not take pain medicine or topical anesthetics to play…

  • Woman massaging fingers and hand to increase blood flow

    Raynaud's Disease

    Raynaud’s disease is a rare condition that narrows your blood vessels. It causes your fingers or toes to turn color… What is Raynaud’s disease? Raynaud’s disease is a rare condition. It is a temporary narrowing of your blood vessels caused by spasm. The condition…

  • Tired mom naps while holding a sleeping baby at home. Postpartum recovery takes time, as your body has been through a trauma. Fully recovering from pregnancy and childbirth can take months.

    Recovering from Delivery (Postpartum Recovery)

    Fully recovering from pregnancy and childbirth can take months, and it may be even longer before you feel like yourself… Your body has just done one of the most remarkable things it will ever do: grow another human being. After 9 months of waiting, you…

  • A man has fainted outdoors


    Fainting happens when your brain does not get enough oxygen. You lose consciousness, or “pass out,” for a brief time… What is fainting? Fainting happens when your brain does not get enough oxygen. You lose consciousness, or “pass out,” for a brief time (usually…

  • Mountain climber using mini portable oxygen cylinder to avoid and treat high-altitude illness

    High-Altitude Illness

    High-altitude illness can occur when you travel to altitudes higher than 8,000 feet. It happens when your body doesn’t get… What is high-altitude illness? High-altitude illness, or sickness, is a condition that can occur when you travel to a high altitude, such as the…

  • Scared girl looking at a big needle

    Fear of Needles

    Many children are scared of shots because they have a fear of needles. Help your child understand that shots are… No matter how old you are, getting a shot at the doctor’s office is no fun. As adults, we recognize that the benefit is worth…

  • older woman sits on bed with her hand on her hip in pain


    Arthritis is swelling of the joints. It’s painful and can limit your movement. There are many kinds of arthritis. Osteoarthritis… Arthritis is inflammation (swelling) of the joints. It causes pain and often limits movement of the affected joints. There are many kinds of arthritis…

  • Pregnant woman balancing bowl of salad on belly

    Healthy Eating and Pregnancy

    Eating healthy is more critical than ever during pregnancy. You’re making healthy choices for two. Your food should reflect… Eating for two isn’t the free-for-all, guilt-free eating we often see in movies. In reality eating healthy is more critical than ever during pregnancy. It…

  • sick man holding tissue looks at OTC decongestants in a pharmacy

    Decongestants: OTC Relief for Congestion

    Over-the-counter medicine is available to treat congestion (stuffy nose)… What are OTC decongestants? Decongestants are medicines that help relieve a congested (stuffy) nose. The congestion can be caused by a cold virus or by the flu, sinusitis, or allergies. Most decongestants come in pill…

  • A young girl receives the measles vaccine from a doctor. Measles is a very contagious respiratory illness that also causes a fever and a rash. It is preventable with a vaccine.


    Measles (also called rubeola) is a serious respiratory illness. This means it affects the lungs and breathing tubes. It also… With travel returning to pre-COVID levels and back-to-school season not far off, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging parents and…

  • Doctor giving vaccine shot to young woman during immunization campaign at clinic

    COVID-19 Vaccine for Ages 12 and Older

    Even though children aren’t as likely as adults to be infected with COVID-19, they can still catch it, get sick… The Centers for Disease Control recommends the updated 2023-2024 Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for kids ages 12 and older. The American Academy of Family…

  • How to Treat Common Household Injuries

    Cuts, scrapes, and even burns are common household injuries. Most of the time, these injuries are minor and can be… Home, sweet home. There’s no place like it. You may feel your most comfortable when you’re at home, but be aware there are dangers…

  • A doctor wearing protective gear while handling a blood sample

    Occupational Exposure to HIV: Advice for Health Care Workers

    HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is an infection that attacks your body’s immune system and can lead to… HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is an infection that attacks your body’s immune system. The infection can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency…

  • A shingles rash on a man’s back


    Shingles is a painful skin rash. It is also called zoster or herpes zoster. It is caused by the same… What is shingles? Shingles is a painful skin rash. It is also called zoster or herpes zoster. It is caused by the varicella zoster…