
"cancer" results
  • Burning cigarette

    The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke

    Just because you aren’t the person smoking the cigarette doesn’t mean it can’t harm you. Secondhand smoke contains more than… secondhand smoke less serious than smoking? Is smoke from vape as harmful as smoke from cigarettes and other tobacco products? Resources American Cancer Society: Health…

  • Cervical Dysplasia

    Cervical dysplasia is when there are abnormal, or precancerous, cells in and around a woman’s cervix. This doesn’t mean you… biopsy. Abnormal changes in cells can be mild, moderate, or severe. The presence of abnormal cells doesn’t mean you have cervical cancer. But the cells…

  • Female doctor holding woman’s hand before a procedure

    Dilation and Curettage (D and C)

    Dilation and curettage (D and C) is a surgical procedure of the uterus… There are several purposes for a D and C. The main one is to remove uterine cells to check for infection or cancer, or to remove a cyst or tumor. It can…

  • fluffy domestic cat stretches its paw and claws in the air

    Cat-Scratch Disease (Cat-Scratch Fever)

    Cat-scratch disease is an infection you can get after a cat scratches, bites, or licks you. It is caused by… in healthy people. But it can be a problem for young children or people with weak immune systems. These include people with cancer, diabetes, or…

  • Illustration of colon polyps removal, using a colonoscope


    Polyps are abnormal growths of tissue that can occur in different places including your colon, nose, ear, throat, and stomach… ages of 50 and 75. Treatment If you are healthy, your doctor likely will recommend removing the polyps. This helps to prevent cancer from developing…

  • From a Family Doctor: 6 Things We Know about Childhood Vaccines

    effective and can help prevent against serious illness. Vaccinated children also help protect children who can’t be vaccinated, like children with cancer and other immunocompromising conditions.1 A child’s immune system is still developing. 3 Your child’s body needs support to fight…

  • A plate with healthy food cut in the shape of a rabbit with a side cup of fruit

    Nutrition: Tips for Improving Your Health

    Good nutrition is one of the keys to a healthy life. You can improve your health by keeping a balanced… blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol? Did your doctor tell you that you can improve your condition with better nutrition? Do diabetes, cancer, heart disease,…

  • A nurse showing a patient test results from a preventive test, on a digital tablet

    Adolescents and Young Adults: Getting the Preventive Services You Need

    Get an early start on good lifelong health by learning about the services and advice your family doctor can provide… from getting the flu. The HPV vaccine: It helps prevent spread of the virus, which causes genital warts and several types of cancer (most commonly…

  • Older couple standing at counter, preparing a meal with healthy fruits and vegetables

    After 50: Nutritional Needs

    Don’t ignore your nutritional needs as you get older… vitamins, minerals, and water. These things may help prevent some diseases. These include osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Path to Well Being: Nutrition after 50 Mindful eating is important after the…

  • A man does sit ups on a mat on the floor as part of his exercise routine.

    Why Exercise?

    Exercise is powerful medicine. Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise prevents health problems, builds strength, boosts… Why exercise? Exercise is powerful medicine. It is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise prevents health problems, builds strength, boosts energy, and can…

  • female gynecologist performing a colposcopy exam on a patient in hospital using a colposcope


    A colposcopy is a type of women’s health exam. The purpose of the exam is to get a close look… What is a colposcopy? A colposcopy is a type of women’s health exam. It’s often performed by your family doctor or a gynecologist. They use…

  • Portrait of older woman suffering for depression

    Depression in Older Adults

    Depression is a common problem in older adults, but it is not part of the aging process. Learn how to… What is depression? Depression is a medical illness. It affects your mental and physical health. Anyone can have depression, including older adults. In addition…

  • A variety of fruits and vegetables on a table. Dietary fiber can help curb weight gain, aid in digestion, and absorb nutrients. You can make small changes to add more fiber to your diet.

    How to Get More Fiber in Your Diet

    Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plants that aids in digestion and the absorption of nutrients. It reduces… Fiber is a substance found in plants. Dietary fiber is a type of carbohydrate we eat. Eating the right amount of fiber has been shown…

  • Male scientist or tech observes biopsy sample under a microscope


    A biopsy is a procedure to remove tissue, fluid, or a growth from your body to examine tissue or a… A biopsy is a procedure to remove tissue or cells from your body. This sample is sent to a lab for testing. Using a microscope,…

  • "Do I Want to Quit Smoking?" Quiz

    Learn how you feel about smoking and how you can use this information to help you quit… How do you feel about quitting smoking? Put a check mark next to the statement below that best describes how you feel about quitting smoking: ____ I like…

  • Mature woman experiencing a hot flash from menopause

    Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Hormone replacement therapy involves taking hormones to prevent or treat medical conditions. However, studies suggest it may not be safe… Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a type of treatment that involves taking hormones to prevent or treat certain medical conditions. Common uses for HRT include…

  • A balanced meal full of healthy food from each food group

    Balancing Your Food Plate

    Creating a nutritional balance for every meal is essential for good health… The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides dietary guidance to Americans to help them eat healthy. For a long time, the USDA displayed its recommendations using a food pyramid. In 2011, it switched…

  • illustration of human anatomy with a close-up of the spleen


    A splenectomy is the surgical removal of your spleen… Your spleen is an organ located in the upper left side of your abdomen, under your ribcage. It filters unneeded material from your blood. It also helps your body fight germs and infections. Sometimes, the spleen…