
"flu" results
  • Senior man holds his hand to his throat in pain


    Dysphagia is a swallowing disorder that can result from multiple causes… or saliva. They may not be able to swallow at all. Dysphagia can make it hard to take in enough calories and fluids to keep your body working properly. What are the symptoms of…

  • A mosquito sits on human skin


    Malaria is a serious disease caused by a parasite. The parasite is carried by one type of mosquito. Humans get… not in the United States). Humans get the disease when an infected mosquito bites them. People with malaria get very sick with flu-like symptoms. If…

  • Young pregnant woman in bed with pills and a thermometer. Sick with the flu or a cold.

    Viral Infections During Pregnancy

    If you are pregnant, it’s important to take precautions against viral infections to protect you and your baby… pregnant women. You may get very sick. However, it hardly ever causes birth defects in the baby. If you are pregnant during flu season (October through March),…

  • A woman kneeling on the bathroom floor while holding her head over the toilet as she vomits

    Vomiting and Diarrhea

    Information for parents about vomiting and diarrhea in children from the American Academy of Family Physicians… in babies, children, and the elderly, talk to your doctor. If dehydration is severe, your loved one may need to be given fluids intravenously (by vein through an IV…

  • Echinacea flowers next to a cup of tea made from them

    Echinacea: What Should I Know About It?

    Echinacea has been a popular herbal remedy for centuries. Today, it is often used to prevent or treat viruses that… popular herbal remedy for centuries. Today, it is often used to prevent or treat viruses that cause colds, sore throats, or the flu. You can…

  • two hands wearing rubber gloves and feeling a woman's lymph-nodes in her neck to test for non-hodgkin lymphoma

    Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a form of cancer that happens when your white blood cells become abnormal. It can be fatal,… your lymph nodes, spleen, and other organs. These make up your immune system. Lymph nodes help your body fight infection. They eliminate fluid, waste, and…

  • A red tractor plowing a field

    Accessing Care in Rural Communities

    Most of us can find a doctor or a hospital nearby. Rural residents struggle to find health care in their… the nearest doctor or hospital. There are other barriers, too. These include the financial means to pay for health care, not being fluent in English,…

  • A woman sits in a patient room dressed in a blue patient gown with hands folded in her lap. Bartholin’s gland cyst is a swelling that can occur near the opening of a woman’s vagina. Treatment is usually simple.

    Bartholin's Gland Cyst

    Bartholin’s gland cyst is a swelling that can occur near the opening of a woman’s vagina. They can become infected,… these glands would be found at about 4 and 8 o’clock. Normally they’re invisible. They make a small amount of fluid that lubricates the vaginal…

  • A young man grabbing his shoulder in pain

    Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder pain, whether caused by a specific injury or not, can be treated with active rest and range-of-motion exercises as… Shoulder pain can be caused by many factors. One common cause of shoulder pain is soreness of the tendon (a cord that attaches a muscle to a bone) in…

  • doctor gives a chickenpox vaccination to a young girl

    Chickenpox Vaccine

    Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that is easily preventable with the use of a vaccine… What is chickenpox? Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus. It is most common in children. Most cases occur in people who are younger than 15…

  • From a Family Doctor: Adults Need Vaccines Too

    It’s true that most vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are given to children during routine pediatric visits. But adults need them too because protection from childhood vaccinations may lessen as you age, and you may need additional…

  • woman with stomach ache lying on sofa

    Antiemetic Medicines: OTC Relief for Nausea and Vomiting

    Over the counter medicines can provide relief for nausea and vomiting, but there are a number of precautions to be… Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are medicines you can buy without a prescription from your doctor. Medicines that treat nausea and vomiting are called antiemetics. Several…

  • Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS)

    Pigmented villonodular synovitis is a joint problem that usually affects the hip or knee. It also can occur in the… What is pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS)? Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a joint problem that usually affects the hip or knee. It also can…

  • Doctor giving knee injection to patient in operating room

    Joint and Soft Tissue Injections

    A joint or soft tissue injection is a shot in either a joint, like your knee, or a soft tissue… Joint and soft tissue injections are shots with a needle. They can be given in a joint, such as your knee, or a soft tissue…

  • Food Poisoning | Mushroom Poisoning

    Know the type of mushrooms you are eating to avoid getting sick and even death… What is mushroom poisoning? People are poisoned each year after eating mushrooms from their yard or outside locations. These mushrooms should not be eaten. It’s difficult to tell which…

  • A women looks for supplies in the aisle of a pharmacy

    Getting the Most from Your OTC Medicine

    Over the counter medicines are available without a prescription, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to be safe when… OTC is short for “over-the-counter.” OTC drugs are medicines you can buy without a prescription from your doctor. You usually can find these medicines at…

  • A woman is coughing on her bed. Finding the best cough suppressant can be a challenge.

    Cough Medicine: Understanding Your OTC Options

    Over-the-counter cough suppressants can be used to treat some coughs that are interfering with your sleep or activities, but not… There are few things more annoying than trying to get through the day with a nagging cough — unless it’s trying to get through…

  • Toxoplasma gondii on colorful background. Protozoan, which is transmitted from cats and other animals and causes toxoplasmosis, is especially dangerous for pregnant women. 3D illustration.


    Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii… What is toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. It can live in a cat’s intestines and be spread through its feces. It also can live in dirt…