There are many factors that influence our health. These factors are referred to as determinants of health. One kind of determinant of health is what is in our genes and our biology. Another determinant is our individual behavior, which include choices we make, such as smoking, exercise habits, or the types of foods we eat. A third determinant of our health is a wider set of influences (forces and systems) that shape the conditions of daily life. Racism, social norms, social policies, economic systems, and political systems are some of these forces and systems. Many people assume their health is a result of their genes, their behaviors, and how often they get sick or go to the doctor. But it’s not just how you live that determines how healthy you are. Social and physical environments have a big impact on our health, too. These are called social determinants of health.
Social determinants of health
Social determinants of health are the conditions in which we live, learn, work, and play. These conditions can influence the health and well-being of you and your community. They can include your education level, your exposure to violence, the way your community is designed, and if you have access to health care. These factors affect your ability to take part in healthy behaviors, and this affects your health.
Below are some examples of major social factors that can influence your health.
People who have more education are more likely to live longer. They are more likely to participate in healthy activities like exercising and seeing their doctor regularly. They are statistically less likely to participate in unhealthy activities, such as smoking.
Education also tends to lead to higher-paying jobs. These often come with benefits, such as health insurance, healthier working conditions, and the opportunity to make connections with other people. All these things add up to better health.
The amount of money you earn influences your health. People with higher incomes tend to be healthier and live longer than people with low incomes. They are more likely to live in safe neighborhoods. They have more access to grocery stores and healthy foods. They usually have more access to safe spaces for exercise or other activities.
People with low incomes are more likely to live in a community of poverty. They are more likely to face situations that can lead to poor health. These can include:
- Unsafe housing
- Challenges in getting healthy food
- Less time for exercise or physical activity
Having a lower income also affects the ability to have affordable health insurance and health care. This can affect how often you go to the doctor, which can have a direct effect on your health.
Where you live has a significant impact on your health. People who are continually exposed to poor living conditions have a higher risk of developing health problems. These can include:
- Pests
- Mold
- Structural problems
- Toxins in the home
It is important that your home is safe and free from hazards like these. Housing can contribute to your health when it provides you with a safe place to be.
Neighborhood conditions are an important part of housing and can also affect your health. A neighborhood free from violence, crime, and pollution gives children and adults a safe place for physical activity. A home close to grocery stores makes it easier for families to buy and eat healthy foods. A thriving neighborhood offers employment, transportation, and good schools.
Access to health care
How easy it is for you to access health care is a big determinant of your health. If you have health insurance, you are more likely to visit your doctor on a regular basis. These trips can include screenings and preventive care that keep you from developing chronic disease. Regular medical care also enables you to see your doctor for managing any ongoing medical conditions to keep them from getting worse.
But not everyone has access to health insurance or easy access to care. Some people don’t have transportation to go to the doctor. Some can’t afford it. Others speak a different language. All these things can prevent someone from getting the health care they need. This can lead to delayed treatment of preventable health problems.

Things to consider
Above are just a few of the social determinants of health that can affect your health and well-being. There are many others. They include:
- Access to nutritious foods
- Access to clean water and working utilities (electricity, sanitation, heating, and cooling)
- Early childhood social and physical environments, including childcare
- Ethnicity and culture
- Family and other social support
- Gender
- Language and other communication capabilities
- Occupation and job security
- Sexual identification
- Social status (how integrated or isolated you are from others)
- Social stressors, such as exposure to violence
- Socioeconomic status
- Spiritual/religious values
All these factors play into your health on a daily basis. It is important to understand how these things affect your health so you can take steps to improve them and improve your health.
Questions to ask your doctor
- Do I have any obstacles to health care that you can help me with?
- How are these factors affecting my health?
- If I have trouble accessing food, stable housing, or with any other social determinant of health, who can help?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Social Determinants of Health
Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians
This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject.