Food Habits Survey
Use this resource to help track your food habits and share them with your doctor.
Adolescents and Young Adults: Getting the Preventive Services You Need
Get an early start on good lifelong health by learning about the services and advice your family doctor can provide…
Nutrient Shortfall Questionnaire
It is common for people to be lacking in nutrients. This can happen if your body doesn’t get enough of…
Asthma Action Plan
An asthma action plan is developed by your doctor. It contains written instructions about what you should do if you…
Self-management: Taking Charge of Your Health
One of the best ways to cope with a chronic illness is to take part in managing it. This can…
Taking Medicines Safely after Alcohol or Drug Abuse Recovery
Taking medicines after recovering from alcohol or drug addiction can have many pitfalls. There is advice you should follow to…
Smoking Cessation in Recovering Alcoholics
Quitting smoking can be especially difficult for recovering alcoholics. There are a number of methods that your doctor can educate…