


"ADHD" results
  • Overweight man holding a measuring tape

    Weight-loss Surgery

    Weight-loss surgery can be called bariatric surgery. It involves surgically reducing the size of your stomach so your body absorbs… are some simple measures you can apply every day to make a significant difference over time: Increase your current physical activity by adding 10 minutes…

  • A man eating a banana to recover from his workout

    What to Eat Before and After a Workout

    Exercise is important for maintaining your health. What you eat before and after your workout can have an impact on… after working out? Does my age affect what I should eat before and after working out? Are there any vitamins or supplements I should add

  • “Why do I smoke?" Quiz

    Knowing why you smoke might be the answer to quitting for good… Why do I smoke? If you learn the answer to this question, it will be easier to stop smoking. Knowing why you smoke will help you find ways to make up for the…

  • "Do I Want to Quit Smoking?" Quiz

    Learn how you feel about smoking and how you can use this information to help you quit… How do you feel about quitting smoking? Put a check mark next to the statement below that best describes how you feel about quitting smoking: ____ I like…

  • silhouette of a person drinking, sitting behind bottles of alcohol

    Alcohol Abuse

    Alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking too much alcohol too often. This can harm your work, school, and… What is alcohol abuse? Alcohol abuse, also called alcohol misuse is a serious problem. It is a pattern of drinking too much alcohol too often…
