Eating healthy is more critical than ever during pregnancy. You’re making healthy choices for two. Your food should reflect… Eating for two isn’t the free-for-all, guilt-free eating we often see in movies. In reality eating healthy is more critical than ever during pregnancy. It…
Healthy eating with the DASH diet can reduce high blood pressure and lower your bad cholesterol… Wellness starts with a healthy diet. In fact, eating healthier foods improves many health problems. This includes high blood pressure (hypertension). The right foods can lower your blood pressure…
Maintaining healthy eating habits throughout your child’s life can help them form habits that stay with them as they get… Good nutrition is one of the keys to a healthy life. This is the case for adults and for children, even babies and toddlers. Eating…
Men must follow the same healthy eating guidelines as women to stay well… on your body that helps. In other words, one single nutrient isn’t the key to good health. It’s your overall eating pattern that matters. So, what do you need to eat in…
A look at tips, tricks, advice and the benefits of maintaining healthy eating and exercise habits as you get… most important changes you can make. Even if you’ve never been active, it’s never too late to get started. A healthy diet and physical activity are…
Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to prevent many serious health problems… obesity can have healthy pregnancies. It is important to receive regular prenatal care to manage risks Read Article Obesity Risk Factors Emotional Eating Emotional eating is eating in response to…
Helping your child make healthy food choices at home and at school can provide them with the energy they need… It is important to help your child form healthy eating habits from a young age. Teach your child what types of foods are healthy. This…
Eating healthy is important for a long and happy life. Here are some tips and tricks to make nutrition… We’ve all heard about the basics of good nutrition. We know we should eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean…
Creating a nutritional balance for every meal is essential for good health… The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides dietary guidance to Americans to help them eat healthy. For a long time, the USDA displayed its recommendations using a food pyramid. In 2011, it switched…
Overeating as a child or teen is unhealthy and can be a sign of other problems… Sometimes it may seem your child or teen eats all the time. It may seem they are eating lots of snacks between meals or overeating at meals. How do…
Getting enough vitamins and minerals is essential to keeping your body healthy. It’s best to get these through your diet… Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals found in food. They nourish your body and are essential to your overall health. Choosing foods each day that…
Developing healthy habits when you’re a teenager will help you as you grow into an adult. Learn tips for staying… A person’s overall health is about much more than the absence of disease. It’s the state of physical, mental, and social well-being. Ultimately, it’s…
Eating healthy begins at a young age. Consider these tips for your young children… Many children and families today have busy schedules. These make it hard to sit down to homemade meals every day. Many kids’ diets involve a lot of convenience and takeout food…
Meal plans are a great resource for eating healthy at any age… Eating healthy foods is important to make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs every day. It is also important to stay within your daily calorie goal, whether that’s designed to…
Recently, my patient Jennifer (not her real name) came in for a prenatal visit. She had been trying to get pregnant for several months. When she finally got a positive result on a home pregnancy test, she and her husband were thrilled. During the…
Get creative and clever to help your toddler eat healthy… When it comes to eating habits, toddlers can be hard to predict. Some days they may not eat much. Other days it may seem they’re eating all day long. They may want one food…
Fast food is tempting, but it can be very unhealthy. Knowing what to choose at fast food restaurants can help… Eating at fast food restaurants can be tempting. For ease and convenience — and sometimes price — fast food is tough to beat. And when…
Adopting healthy habits allows you to take charge of both your physical and mental health, as well as positively influencing… It’s important to take care of both your mind and body. It will pay off in many ways, including: Allowing you to take charge of…