
"sleep" results
  • Pregnant woman asleep on her side

    Sleep and Pregnancy: Tips for Better Rest

    A good night’s sleep is even more important when you’re pregnant, but hard to come by. Follow these tips for… common obstacles to getting a good night’s sleep, there are also ways to encourage good sleep habits. This is called good sleep hygiene. Be consistent…

  • Older man, who can’t sleep at night, sitting on bed while spouse sleeps

    Sleep Changes in Older Adults

    As you age, you may have changes in your sleep patterns. Hormones, lifestyle habits, and certain conditions and medicines can… to your doctor. He or she can make sure underlying health problems aren’t causing your sleep issues. Sleep apnea One common sleeping disorder is sleep apnea…

  • diagram showing interrupted airflow during sleep

    Sleep Apnea

    Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can cause you to stop breathing multiple times while you sleep… you sleep. Your doctor may ask you to go to a sleep disorder center for a sleep study. Tests done at the sleep disorder center may…

  • Sleepwalking

    Learn about the causes of and ways to deal with sleepwalking… to your doctor about alternatives. Keeping your sleep routine. Go to bed at the same time every night. Don’t skimp on sleep. Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. If you suffer…

  • newborn sleeping

    Newborn Sleep Routines

    Establishing a sleep routine for your newborn will help both the baby and you develop stability and predictability… t sleep for more than a few hours without eating. You’re up and down around the clock. Many parents suffer from sleep deprivation. Some parents think they…

  • Man sleeping on back with nasal mask.

    CPAP Devices for Sleep Apnea

    A CPAP device fits over your face while you sleep. It reduces snoring and prevents sleep disturbances that can interfere… and health history. He or she may have you complete a sleep study as well. You may begin with an at-home sleep study. If this…

  • A woman lying in bed stares at clock in the middle of the night. Insomnia is a sleep disorder where people have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. It’s more common in older adults and women.


    Insomnia is a sleep disorder that happens when you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. It’s more common… need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. You know you’re getting enough sleep if you don’t feel sleepy during the day. The…

  • Is Your Child Too Busy?

    Overscheduling your child can lead to them feeling tired, stressed and sleep deprived. Limit their schedule to keep your child… Finding a balance between school, activities, and play can mean the difference between a well-adjusted child and a stressed-out one. Finding this balance is…

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

    Sudden infant death syndrome is the unexplained reason a baby under 1 year old dies while sleeping. There are no… What is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained reason a baby under the age of 1 dies…

  • A woman is coughing on her bed. Finding the best cough suppressant can be a challenge.

    Cough Medicine: Understanding Your OTC Options

    Over-the-counter cough suppressants can be used to treat some coughs that are interfering with your sleep or activities, but not… There are few things more annoying than trying to get through the day with a nagging cough — unless it’s trying to get through…

  • Woman lying in bed sleepless at night with clock and melatonin pills on her bedside table


    Melatonin is a hormone made by part of the brain, but synthetic melatonin is available as an over-the-counter sleep… What is melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone made by a part of the brain called the pineal gland. It helps regulate your sleep cycle by telling…

  • Baby bottles and nipples sit on a white countertop beside the kitchen sink after being washed.

    Preparing for Parenthood: How to Wash Baby Bottles

    Having a baby is a big life change. Babies sleep a lot, soil their diapers a lot, and eat a lot. In general, newborns eat every 2 to 3 hours, or 8 to 12 times per day. As they grow, the number of times…

  • young girl sleeping on cozy bed with white blanket

    Enuresis (Bedwetting)

    Enuresis is the medical name for bedwetting… What is enuresis (bedwetting)? Enuresis is the medical term for bedwetting while sleeping. Bedwetting is fairly common among children. It is often just a stage in their development. Bedwetting is more common among boys than girls. It…

  • Nightmares and Night Terrors

    Nightmares and night terrors can be scary parts of childhood, but they are usually triggered by everyday events and often… Nightmares are scary dreams. They usually start in childhood before the age of 10. But they can occur in adults. Nightmares are more common…

  • multigenerational family riding their bikes

    Sports and Exercise at Every Age

    Maintaining an exercise program is important at any age. It can help you build a foundation when you’re young and… We all know that exercise is good for us. But it does more than just improve our physical fitness. It also reduces our risk of…

  • St. John's wort, herbal medical pills.

    St. John's Wort: Drug-Supplement Interactions

    St. John’s Wort is a plant used in teas, ointments, and dietary supplements for a list of health conditions. It… St. John’s Wort is a plant. It is used in teas, creams and ointments, and dietary supplements. These supplements come in the form of…

  • Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever

    Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is a bacterial infection spread by ticks. It shows up as repeated episodes of fever, headaches,… What is tick-borne relapsing fever? Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is a bacterial infection spread by ticks. The infection normally shows up as repeated episodes…

  • Kids on iPad

    Healthy Screen Time Habits

    Limiting kids’ screen time and building healthy habits for TV, video games, and the internet is essential for lifelong… Children’s entertainment and education changed forever with the introduction of the internet. Computers, laptops, handheld gaming devices, and mobile devices, such as tablets and phones,…