Genital Problems in Men

Follow this chart for more information about genital problems in men.

Step 2

Answering Questions

  • Do you have any swelling or tenderness in your scrotum?

  • Do you have a yellowish or greenish discharge from the tip of your penis? Does anything other than urine or semen (e.g., blood, white discharge that is clumpy while you are urinating, etc.) come out of the tip of your penis?

  • Do you have a burning sensation or pain with urination?

  • Do you have a painful, itchy rash or small red bumps, blisters, or sores on your penis?

  • Do you have a painless sore, ulcer, or small white or flesh-colored flat-topped bumps on the shaft or head of your penis?

  • Is the entire tip of your penis tender or swollen?

  • Do you have blood in your urine or semen, or pain with ejaculation? Do you have deep-down pelvic pain?

  • Do you have pain with sexual intercourse?

  • Is your scrotum very tender although no injury has occurred to the testicle?

  • Do you have mild tenderness around one testicle?

  • Is there a hard, painless knot on one testicle that feels like a frozen pea?

  • Is there a soft, painless swelling of the testicle or around your testicle in your scrotum on one or both sides?

  • Is there a soft swelling above your testicle that gets bigger or becomes painful with activity, lifting, or coughing?

  • Do you have an erection that has lasted for more than 4 hours?

  • Do you have trouble achieving or maintaining an erection?

Step 3

Possible Causes

  • Diagnosis

    You may have a SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTION or URETHRITIS, an inflammation of the urethra (the tube that urine and semen come out of).

    Self Care

    See your doctor right away.

  • Diagnosis

    You may have a BLADDER INFECTION or URETHRITIS, an inflammation of the urethra.

    Self Care

    See your doctor right away.

  • Diagnosis

    You may have a YEAST INFECTIONHERPES, or another type of infection. Sores on the penis may also be a symptom of CANCER.

    Self Care

    See your doctor right away.

  • Diagnosis

    This may be a symptom of GENITAL WARTS, SYPHILIS, or a form of CANCER.

    Self Care

    See your doctor right away.

  • Diagnosis

    You may have BALANITIS, an infection of the head of the penis.

    Self Care

    See your doctor. Depending on the cause of your infection, your doctor may prescribe an antifungal cream or antibiotic ointment. In some cases, antibiotic pills may be needed. Keep the area clean and dry, and avoid skin lotions, which may make the condition worse.

  • Diagnosis

    You may have PROSTATITIS, an infection of the prostate gland or an infection of the seminal vesicle.

    Self Care

    See your doctor.

  • Diagnosis

    A number of problems can cause painful intercourse. Possible causes may include an ALLERGY to a contraceptive (e.g., latex condoms), ANXIETY, PROSTATITIS, INFECTION, or DRYNESS in your partner’s vagina or anus leading to painful friction.

    Self Care

    Talk to your doctor about any pain you experience during sex.

  • Diagnosis

    You may have a severe form of infection, such as EPIDIDYMITIS, or TESTICULAR TORSION, a condition in which the blood supply to the testicle is cut off.

    Self Care

    See your doctor or go to the emergency room right away.

  • Diagnosis

    Your symptoms may be from a less severe form of EPIDIDYMITIS.

    Self Care

    See your doctor.

  • Diagnosis

    A painless knot could be a symptom of SPERMATOCELE, a noncancerous cyst, but it could also be TESTICULAR CANCER.

    Self Care

    See your doctor. Talk to your doctor about testicular self-examinations, which may improve your chances of finding a tumor while it’s still treatable.

  • Diagnosis

    Swelling along with visible, enlarged veins, usually on the left side, are symptoms of VARICOCELE. Painless swelling of one or both testicles may also be a sign of HYDROCELE. Your swelling may also be caused by a small cyst.

    Self Care

    See your doctor to rule out other more serious conditions. While VARICOCELE or HYDROCELE are not life-threatening, surgery may be required to correct them.

  • Diagnosis

    This could be an INGUINAL HERNIA, a loop of the bowel that pushes into the scrotum.

    Self Care

    See your doctor. If the hernia is small, your doctor may suggest that you watch it closely for signs of growth. If the hernia is large and painful, you may need surgery.

  • Diagnosis

    This is called PRIAPISM. It may require treatment to reduce the erection. It can occur with the use of certain erectile dysfunction pills (e.g., sildenafil or Viagra).

    Self Care

    For more information, please talk to your doctor.

  • Diagnosis

    This is called ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. It can be caused by decreased blood vessel function (age, smoking history, or high blood pressure can contribute) or be related to a medication or stress.

    Self Care

    Talk with your doctor about options, which could include pills, sexual stimulation, penis pumps, injections, etc.

  • Self Care

    For more information, please talk to your doctor. If you think the problem is serious, call your doctor right away.

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