


"ADHD" results
  • “Why do I smoke?" Quiz

    Knowing why you smoke might be the answer to quitting for good… Why do I smoke? If you learn the answer to this question, it will be easier to stop smoking. Knowing why you smoke will help you find ways to make up for the…

  • silhouette of a person drinking, sitting behind bottles of alcohol

    Alcohol Abuse

    Alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking too much alcohol too often. This can harm your work, school, and… What is alcohol abuse? Alcohol abuse, also called alcohol misuse is a serious problem. It is a pattern of drinking too much alcohol too often…

  • "Do I Want to Quit Smoking?" Quiz

    Learn how you feel about smoking and how you can use this information to help you quit… How do you feel about quitting smoking? Put a check mark next to the statement below that best describes how you feel about quitting smoking: ____ I like…
