- Bonding with BabyRead Article >>Infants and Toddlers
Bonding with Baby
Bonding is a special connection you have with your baby. Bonding with your baby is not a one-time event.…
- Childproofing Your HomeRead Article >>Infants and Toddlers
Childproofing Your Home
Accidents in the home are among the top causes of childhood injuries and deaths. There are many steps you…
- Avoiding Food Hassles With KidsRead Article >>Prevention and Wellness
Avoiding Food Hassles With Kids
Tips, tricks and advice on how to deal with a picky eater at home and at school.
Neural Tube Defects
Neural tube defects are birth defects affecting a baby’s spine, spinal cord, or brain.
Newborn Reflexes and Behavior
Newborn babies have limited control over their bodies, but they do have certain behaviors and reflexes that parents need to…
Newborn Screening Tests
Newborn screenings are important to find and treat certain health issues that aren’t always visible at birth.
Newborn Sleep Routines
Establishing a sleep routine for your newborn will help both the baby and you develop stability and predictability.
Organic Acid Metabolism Disorders
Organic acid metabolism disorders are a group of rare birth defects. They affect your ability to break down food into…
OTC Cough and Cold Medicines and My Child
Doctors do not recommend giving children younger than 6 years old OTC medicines for cough and cold.
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare genetic condition where babies are unable to break down an amino acid. This can lead…
Plagiocephaly is a condition where your baby’s head has a flat spot or is misshapen.
Pneumonia and Walking Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. How serious it is depends on what caused the pneumonia, your age, and…
Polio Vaccine
La polio es una enfermedad grave causada por un virus, pero la vacuna contra la polio ha hecho que la…
Preparing for Parenthood: Baby Laundry Essentials
Doing your laundry seems like a simple task that requires little thought. However, add tiny newborn clothes and bedding to…
Preparing for Parenthood: Bathing Your Newborn Baby
Bringing your newborn baby home from the hospital can be a joyful time. But it can also be a time…
Preparing for Parenthood: Cleaning Your Home
Keeping your baby healthy means more than feeding them good food and regular checkups with their doctor. It can also…
Preparing for Parenthood: Diaper Changing
Bringing a new baby home is one of the most exciting times in a parent’s life. It can also be…
Preparing for Parenthood: How to Wash Baby Bottles
Having a baby is a big life change. Babies sleep a lot, soil their diapers a lot, and eat a lot. In general, newborns eat every 2 to 3 hours, or 8 to 12 times per day. As they grow, the number of times…
Preparing for Parenthood: Safe Storage
Organizing your home—and even your car—safely for children is a constant effort. As your family grows, it’s important to reassess…
Pyloric Stenosis
What is pyloric stenosis? Pyloric stenosis is a medical condition. It is a narrowing of the opening between the stomach and the small intestine. That space is called the pylorus. It often occurs in babies younger than 6 months. It is more common in…
Recognizing Newborn Illnesses
How do you know if your newborn is sick. These signs may give you a clue.
Repeated Infections in Children
Learn why your child may get several infections while he or she is still young.
Reye’s Syndrome
Reye’s syndrome is a rare but serious illness common in children recovering from a virus and taking aspirin. It can…