Dictionary of Medical Terms

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All terms that start with the letter C
  • cardiomegaly

    Enlargement of the heart.

  • cardiovascular

    Having to do with the heart and blood vessels.

  • caries

    Decay of the teeth or bone.

  • carotene

    The fat-soluble pigment in carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables, egg yolks, milk fat and other substances that can be converted…

  • carotid

    The main artery in the neck.

  • Carpal

    Having to do with the wrist.

  • carpal tunnel syndrome

    Pain, numbness and tingling of the fingers caused by compression of the median nerve at the wrist.

  • carrier

    Someone who’s capable of transmitting a disease (especially an infectious or genetic disorder) to another person but who usually has…

  • cartilage

    Elastic connective tissue on the joint surfaces of bone and some parts of the skeleton, including the nose and…

  • castor oil

    An oil extracted from the castor bean plant that’s irritating to the intestine and promotes bowel movements.

  • castration

    To remove the gonads, such as the testicles, making the male unable to have children.

  • cat-scratch fever

    A bacterial infection acquired through the scratch of a cat or other animal.

  • catalepsy

    A condition in which the body and limbs stay in the position in which they’re placed.

  • cataract

    An opaque area in the lens of the eye.

  • catheter

    A tube used to drain or inject fluids.

  • cauliflower ear

    A trauma-induced deformity of the ear caused by repeated cartilage and soft-tissue injury.

  • caustic

    A chemical that can cause burns.

  • cauterize

    To purposely burn with a hot instrument or caustic substance to destroy tissue, such as a wart.

  • cavity

    A hollow place or hole within the body.

  • CBC

    Complete blood cell count.

  • cecum

    The first part of the large intestine just below the small intestine or ileum.