Why do I smoke?

Why do I smoke?

The 'Why Test'

For the following statements, select the answer that best describes your own experience.

I smoke to keep myself from slowing down.

Handling a cigarette is part of the enjoyment of smoking it.

Smoking is pleasant and relaxing.

I light up a cigarette when I feel angry about something.

When I am out of cigarettes, it’s nearly torture until I can get more.

I smoke to help calm me down when I am stressed.

I smoke automatically, without even being aware of it.

I smoke when people around me are smoking.

I smoke to perk myself up.

Part of my enjoyment from smoking is preparing to light up.

I get pleasure from smoking.

When I feel uncomfortable or upset, I light up a cigarette.

When I’m not smoking a cigarette, I’m very much aware of the fact.

I often light up a cigarette when one is still burning in the ashtray.

I smoke cigarettes with friends when I am having a good time.

When I smoke, part of the enjoyment is watching the smoke as I exhale.

I want a cigarette most often when I am comfortable and relaxed.

I smoke when I am “blue” and want to take my mind off what’s bothering me.

I get a real hunger for a cigarette when I haven’t had one in a while.

I’ve found a cigarette in my mouth and haven’t remembered it was there.

I always smoke when I am out with friends at a party, bar, etc.

I always smoke cigarettes to get a lift.

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