Dictionary of Medical Terms

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All terms that start with the letter C
  • compress

    A dressing used to apply pressure or medicine to an area. Useful in applying heat or cold.

  • compulsion

    An overwhelming urge to perform an act. Often used to describe ritual or repetitive behaviors.

  • conception

    Fertilization. The union of sperm and egg.

  • concussion

    A loss of consciousness because of a head injury.

  • condom

    A sheath worn over the penis or inside the vagina (female condom) during intercourse to protect against pregnancy and…

  • Cone

    The light-sensing structure on the retina of the eye capable of detecting color.

  • congenital

    Present at birth.

  • conjunctiva

    The membrane lining the eyelids and covering the eyeball.

  • conjunctivitis

    Inflammation of the conjunctiva. Also called pink eye.

  • connective tissue

    Fibrous tissue with a wide variety of connecting and supporting functions within and between body organs.

  • conscious

    Mentally awake and aware. Knowing what one is doing and why.

  • constipation

    A condition in which the stool becomes too hard for easy elimination.

  • consumption

    1. Using up. 2. Wasting of the body; especially used in reference to advanced tuberculosis.

  • contagious

    Easily transmitted by direct or indirect contact.

  • contraception

    The intentional prevention of conception or impregnation. Also called birth control.

  • contraction

    A shortening or increase in tension.

  • contracture

    Deformity caused by abnormal shortening of the muscles.

  • contrast medium

    A substance used in x-ray studies to aid in showing internal structures.

  • contusion


  • convulsion

    A seizure.

  • cor pulmonale

    Increased blood pressure in the lungs, causing chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling in the feet and fluid in the…