
Dictionary of Medical Terms

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All terms that start with the letter F
  • fissure

    A narrow slit.

  • fistula

    An abnormal passage from an abscess, cavity or hollow organ to the skin or another abscess.

  • flaccid

    Soft and flabby. Often used to describe complete paralysis (loss of movement) without muscle spasm.

  • flatfoot

    A condition in which the normal arch of the foot is absent.

  • flatulence

    Excessive production of gas in the intestines or stomach.

  • fluorescein

    A compound used as a diagnostic aid to show injuries of the cornea or retina of the eye.

  • folic acid

    Folacin. One of the B-group vitamins essential for forming red blood cells.

  • folliculitis

    Inflammation of the hair follicles.

  • fontanelle

    A soft spot in the skull of an infant formed by the normal separation between the bony plates of the…

  • foreskin

    A loose fold of skin covering the tip of the penis.

  • fracture

    Broken, especially a broken bone.

  • fraternal twins

    Twins formed from two separate eggs that were fertilized at the same time. They may be the same or different…

  • frenulum

    A fold of skin or mucous membrane that limits the movement of a body part. For example, the frenulum linguae…

  • frigidity

    An inability to be sexually aroused.

  • fructose

    Fruit sugar.

  • fungus

    A group of organisms that includes yeasts, molds and mushrooms.
