
Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • hypochondriac

    Abnormal anxiety about one’s health, often to the point of believing one is suffering from a serious disease.

  • hypnotic

    1. Having to do with hypnosis. 2. Causing sleep.

  • hypnosis

    A sleep-like state induced by the suggestions of a hypnotist.

  • hyperventilation

    Rapid or deep breathing producing faintness, numbness, chest pain, apprehension and tingling, and spasms of the extremities.

  • hyperthyroidism

    Overproduction of thyroid hormone.

  • hypertension

    Abnormally high blood pressure.

  • hyperparathyroidism

    A condition caused by the overexcretion of parathyroid hormone resulting in changes in the bone and an elevated level of…

  • hyperglycemic

    High blood sugar.

  • hyperemesis gravidarum

    Excessive morning sickness.

  • hyperbaric

    Characterized by greater-than-normal pressure. Hyperbaric oxygen is a therapeutic treatment designed to increase blood oxygen by delivering oxygen in a…

  • hymen

    The membrane partly or completely closing the opening to the vagina.

  • hygiene

    The science of health and its maintenance.

  • hydrocephalus

    An enlargement of the head caused by the buildup of fluid within the ventricles of the brain. Also called “water…
