Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • cerumen


  • cervical

    Having to do with the neck (cervical spine) or the cervix of the uterus.

  • cervix

    The neck-like portion of an organ, especially the part of the uterus that extends into the vagina.

  • cesarean section

    Delivery of a baby through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus.

  • chalazion

    A chronic, small swelling on the rim of the eyelid.

  • chancre

    The painless ulcer of primary syphilis that appears on the genitals.

  • chancroid

    A sexually transmitted disease that causes soft, painful open sores in the genital area. Not syphilis. Characterized by swelling of…

  • charley horse

    Painful stiffness from muscular strain in an arm or leg.

  • cheilosis

    A condition in which cracks or sores occur at the corners of the mouth.

  • chickenpox

    A viral disease that usually begins with fever and cough, followed by a rash that progresses from red bumps to…

  • chilblain

    Painful redness of the fingers, toes or ears caused by exposure to cold.

  • childbed fever

    This is a severe illness marked by fever that’s caused by an infection in mothers after giving birth. Also called…

  • chill

    A cold sensation with shivering that sometimes occurs before a fever.

  • chiropractic

    An approach to health care based on the assumption that most diseases are caused by pressure on the nerves. This…

  • Chlamydia

    A microorganism, Chlamydia trachomatis, that’s a frequent cause of sexually transmitted disease. It can also cause pneumonia and eye…

  • chloasma

    Dark coloring of the skin often seen during pregnancy and at menopause. Also occurs in Addison’s disease.

  • chlorination

    The addition of chlorine to kill harmful microorganisms in water or sewage.

  • cholecystitis

    Inflammation of the gallbladder.

  • cholera

    Watery diarrhea caused by drinking water or eating food that’s con-taminated with Vibrio cholere. The disease is spread through the…

  • cholesteatoma

    A tumor-like mass that sometimes forms as a result of a chronic middle ear infection.

  • cholesterol

    A fat-like substance that, if present in the blood in large amounts, is associated with the development of heart…