Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • chondritis

    Inflammation of the cartilage.

  • chondromalacia

    Softening of cartilage.

  • chorea

    A nervous system disorder characterized by involuntary spasms of the limbs or facial muscles. A hereditary form is called Huntington’s…

  • chromosomes

    The DNA-containing cellular structures that carry genetic information.

  • chronic

    Persistent. Ongoing. Lasting a long time.

  • cilia

    Short, hair-like structures extending from certain cells.

  • circadian

    A repetitive pattern or fluctuation with a 24-hour cycle.

  • circulation

    The flow of blood through the body. Includes the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries.

  • circumcision

    Surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis.

  • cirrhosis

    Inflammatory disease of the liver characterized by scarring and shrinkage.

  • claudication

    Pain in the legs while walking that’s caused by blockage of the arteries.

  • claustrophobia

    Fear of closed spaces.

  • clavicle


  • clawhand

    A condition of the hand causing distorted fingers resulting from nerve injury.

  • cleft lip or palate

    A congenital split of the upper lip or roof of the mouth.

  • clitoris

    A small, sensitive erectile organ located in the female at the top of the vulva.

  • Clostridium

    A genus of bacteria that includes the agents capable of causing food poisoning and tetanus.

  • clot

    A jelly-like mass of blood.

  • clubfoot

    A deformity in which the foot is turned inward from its normal position.

  • coal tar

    A by-product of coal used in the treatment of some skin conditions, such as psoriasis.

  • cobalamin

    Vitamin B12.