Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • hypnosis

    A sleep-like state induced by the suggestions of a hypnotist.

  • hypnotic

    1. Having to do with hypnosis. 2. Causing sleep.

  • hypochondriac

    Abnormal anxiety about one’s health, often to the point of believing one is suffering from a serious disease.

  • hypodermic

    Beneath the skin.

  • hypoglycemia

    Low blood sugar.

  • hypoparathyroidism

    Parathyroid hormone insufficiency due to lack of secretion of the parathyroid gland.

  • hypopituitarism

    Deficient activity of the pituitary gland causing slowed growth in children, fatigue and decreased appetite in adults, and cessation of…

  • hyposensitization

    To treat with frequent, small injections of an antigen to decrease the symptoms of an allergy to that antigen. Also…

  • hypospadias

    An abnormal opening of the urethra on the underside of the penis or into the vagina.

  • hypothalamus

    The portion of the brain responsible for temperature regulation and control of the pituitary gland.

  • hypothermia

    Low body temperature.

  • hypothyroidism

    A condition of low thyroid hormone production resulting in weight gain, hair loss, sluggishness and thickening of the skin.

  • hypoxia

    An abnormal condition resulting from decreased availability of oxygen in the body tissues.

  • hysterectomy

    Surgical removal of all or part of the uterus.

  • hysteria

    1. Wild, uncontrolled excitement or other feelings. 2. A disorder in which anxiety is converted into physical symptoms that have…

  • iatrogenic

    Resulting from medical treatment.

  • ichthyosis

    An inherited skin disorder that produces dry, rough, scaly skin.

  • identical twins

    Twins formed from a single egg. They are of the same gender and have the same genetic makeup. Also called…

  • idiopathic

    Without a known cause.

  • ileitis

    Inflammation of the lower part of the small intestine.

  • ileum

    The lower part of the small intestine.