Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • inflammation

    Swelling, redness, warmth and pain. A body tissue’s protective response to injury.

  • influenza

    A contagious and infectious respiratory illness usually occurring in the winter.

  • ingrown nail

    Edges of the nail become trapped under the skin, causing inflammation and, sometimes, infection.

  • injection

    A fluid introduced into the body by a syringe and needle.

  • innate

    Inborn, hereditary.

  • inoculation

    The injection of a disease agent into the body to cause a mild form of the disease and build…

  • inoperable

    Not curable through surgery.

  • insanity

    Any form or degree of mental disturbance or unsoundness of mind, permanent or temporary, that makes a person incapable of…

  • insemination

    To deposit sperm in the vagina.

  • insomnia

    An inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep.

  • insulin

    The hormone produced by the pancreas for regulating carbohydrate metabolism. Used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

  • integument


  • intercourse

    The exchange of communication between individuals. Sexual intercourse is the sexual joining of two people; coitus.

  • intestine

    The tube involved in digestion and extending from the stomach to the anus. Consists of the small intestine and the…

  • intoxication

    Poisoning, or the state of being affected by a poisonous substance. Often used to describe drunkenness.

  • intracellular

    Within a cell.

  • intradermal

    Within the skin.

  • intramuscular

    Within the muscle.

  • intrauterine

    Within the womb.

  • intravenous

    Within a vein. Intravenous infusion means to direct fluids through a needle or catheter directly into a vein.

  • intussusception

    Telescoping a section of the intestine into an adjoining section.