Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • molluscum contagiosum

    A viral infection of the skin characterized by lesions with depressed centers containing a curd-like substance.

  • mongolism

    A condition present at birth characterized by mental deficiency, a broad face and slanting eyes. Also called Down syndrome.

  • monocyte

    A large white blood cell leukocyte.

  • mononucleosis

    An infection with Epstein-Barr virus. Also called “mono.”

  • morbid

    1. Pathologic or abnormal. 2. Having to do with, or characterized by, disease.

  • morning sickness

    Nausea and vomiting occurring during pregnancy.

  • MRI

    Magnetic resonance imaging.

  • mucosa

    The membrane covering canals and cavities that open on the outside of the body, such as the gastrointestinal tract and…

  • mumps

    A viral disease of childhood characterized by swelling of the parotid (salivary) glands and fever.

  • murmur

    An extra heart sound that may be normal or abnormal.

  • muscle

    Tissue made up of bundles of long, slender cells that contract when stimulated.

  • mutation

    A damaged gene that may produce a disease or deficiency.

  • mute

    An inability or unwillingness to speak.

  • myalgia

    Muscle pain.

  • myasthenia gravis

    A chronic disease characterized by muscular weakness and fatigue.

  • myelin

    The fat-like substance that insulates certain nerve fibers.

  • myocarditis

    Inflammation of the heart muscle.

  • myoma

    A tumor of muscle cells.

  • myopia


  • myositis

    Inflammation of a muscle.

  • myringotomy

    An incision in the eardrum to relieve pressure or release fluid.