
Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • effacement

    Thinning of the cervix during labor.

  • EEG


  • edema

    Buildup of excessive fluid around the cells in the body.

  • eczema

    A rash characterized by itching, scaling, swelling and oozing. A common allergic reaction.

  • ectropion

    An outward turning of the eyelid.

  • ectopic pregnancy

    When the fertilized egg is implanted and develops outside of the uterus.

  • eclampsia

    An attack of convulsions. Particularly used to describe toxemia (toxins in the blood) of pregnancy.

  • ECG


  • ecchymosis

    A collection of blood in the tissues causing a black and blue, or yellow, area.

  • eardrum

    The tympanic membrane that’s visible in the ear. It vibrates in response to sound waves.

  • dyspnea

    Labored breathing.

  • dysphagia

    Difficulty swallowing.

  • dyspepsia


  • dysmenorrhea

    Painful menstruation.

  • dysentery

    Infection of the intestine resulting in severe diarrhea and cramps, frequently associated with blood or mucus in the stools.

  • dwarfism

    A deficiency of growth hormone resulting in short stature.

  • Dupuytren's contracture

    Scarring of the palmar ligament in the hand, causing progressive curling of one or more fingers and a thickening of…

  • duodenum

    The first part of the small intestine that begins at the stomach and is the entry point for the pancreatic…

  • duodenal

    Having to do with the duodenum.

  • duct

    A channel or passage through which fluids move.

  • dropsy

    Abnormal buildup of fluid in tissues or a body cavity.
