
Skin tags

Last Updated November 2023 | This article was created by editorial staff and reviewed by Deepak S. Patel, MD, FAAFP, FACSM

What are skin tags?

A skin tag is a growth that can occur anywhere on your body. It is benign, which means it is not cancer. Both men and women can get them.

Symptoms of skin tags

A skin tag looks and feels like a hanging mole. It is usually a lighter color than a mole and may be similar to your skin color. They are commonly located on the neck, underarms, middle of the body, in folds of skin, eyelids, and inner thighs. They can appear anywhere on your body. Skin tags usually don’t continue to grow or change color. They are often painless, but may hurt if they are irritated by clothes, jewelry, or skin rubbing together.

What causes skin tags?

No one knows exactly what causes skin tags. They might occur from skin rubbing on skin. Skin tags are more common with age and can run in families. They also are common in people who have diabetes or are overweight.

How are skin tags diagnosed?

Your doctor can diagnose skin tags by looking at them during an exam. See your doctor if you skin tag that has changed color or grown.

Can skin tags be prevented or avoided?

Skin tags cannot be prevented or avoided.

Skin tag treatment

Sometimes skin tags fall off on their own as they get pulled and irritated. When this happens, they dry out, which makes them fall off. If skin tags bother you, your doctor can remove them by:

  • Cutting them off
  • Freezing them off
  • Burning them off with a special device

Skin tags can be removed in the doctor’s office. Generally, they don’t grow back in the same place. However, new skin tags can pop up in new places.

Living with skin tags

Living with skin tags is more of an annoyance. Depending on where they are located, they tend to get stuck in zippers, clothing, and jewelry. The pulling and tugging is uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor to if you want to get them removed. Do not try to remove them yourself because that can cause bleeding or an infection.

Questions to ask your doctor

  • Can I cut a skin tag off myself?
  • Will skin tags decrease with controlled diabetes?
  • Are skin tags hereditary?
  • Are skin tags more common with fair-skinned people?


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institute on Aging: Skin Care and Aging

U.S. National Library of Medicine: Cutaneous skin tag


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