Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • oligomenorrhea

    Light menstrual flow.

  • oligospermia

    A low number of sperm in the semen.

  • oliguria

    A condition characterized by an abnormally small output of urine.

  • oncology

    The study of tumors.

  • oophorectomy

    The surgical removal of an ovary.

  • ophthalmology

    The branch of medicine that pertains to the eye and its diseases.

  • optic neuritis

    Inflammation of the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. Symptoms include pain with eye movement, blurred vision…

  • optical

    Having to do with vision.

  • optometry

    The practice of eye and vision care.

  • orbit

    The bony cavity containing the eyeball. Eye socket.

  • orchiectomy

    The surgical removal of one or both testicles. Also called castration.

  • organ

    A structural unit of an animal or plant that serves a specific function.

  • organic

    Having to do with substances derived from living organisms.

  • orgasm

    Sexual climax.

  • orifice

    The entrance or outlet of a body cavity.

  • oropharynx

    The part of the pharynx behind the mouth and tongue.

  • orthodontics

    The branch of dentistry that deals with the correction of irregularities of the teeth and related facial problems.

  • orthopedics

    The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of deformities, diseases and injuries of the bones, joints and…

  • orthopnea

    Difficulty breathing when lying flat.

  • oscillation

    A back-and-forth motion; vibration.

  • Osgood-Schlatter disease

    Inflammation of the bone and cartilage of the shin bone, just below the knee.