Dictionary of Medical Terms

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  • ossicle

    A small bone.

  • osteoarthritis

    A slowly progressive form of arthritis, usually found in older people. Characterized by deterioration of bone cartilage.

  • osteoma

    A bony tumor.

  • osteomalacia

    Softening of the bones resulting from deficient bone calcium.

  • osteomyelitis

    Infection of a bone.

  • osteopathy

    A system of therapy emphasizing primary medical care and the importance of body mechanics and manipulation to correct abnormalities.

  • osteoporosis

    A bone disorder characterized by a reduction in bone density, chiefly found in women who have passed menopause and the…

  • ostomy

    A procedure done to make a passageway for waste. A colostomy is an example.

  • otic

    Having to do with the ear.

  • otitis

    Inflammation of the ear. Otitis externa (inflammation of the ear canal) is also called swimmer’s ear, while otitis media is…

  • ovary

    The female sex gland that contains ova, or eggs.

  • ovulation

    The process in which an ovum is released from the ovary.

  • ovum

    Egg; the female reproductive element.

  • oximeter

    A device for determining the oxygen saturation level of the blood.

  • oxygen

    A chemical element essential for sustaining life.

  • oxytocin

    A pituitary hormone that encourages the pregnant uterus to contract and is sometimes used to induce labor. It also encourages…

  • Paget's disease

    1. A type of cancer usually involving the breast’s larger ducts, areola and nipples. 2. A disease characterized by weakened…

  • palate

    The roof of the mouth.

  • palliative

    Controlling symptoms without curing the disease.

  • pallor

    Pale appearance of the skin.

  • palpate

    To feel with the fingers.